


GR and Sustainability

GR is a company with purpose; we care about our guests, employees, suppliers, and the environments and communities that surround us. Our ethos has always been to support the well-being of people, society, and our planet, Earth.

The world is facing many challenges. At GR, we believe in the ideals of sustainable development – leaving a better world to future generations – an ethos which remains at the forefront of our brand. Such ideals are in GR’s DNA and have been part of the success of our brand since its inception, over 33 years ago. Cultivating a symbiotic relationship with the host community and the environment, GR embraces the culture of its destinations, wherever it is in the world.

GR’s sustainability efforts combine the expertise of all of our hotel and resort teams around the world who consider the following four pillars in every aspect of their work – local heritage, local culture, environment protection and social responsibility, as recommended by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).

Environmental Protection

Respect and preservation of native milieus and ecosystems: tree planting, the protection of mangrove, coral and sea turtles, clean beach initiatives, preservation of open lands
Waste management: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle
Food waste management: composting
Water conservation: low flow equipment, use of grey waters
Energy efficiency: LED lighting in all properties
Single use plastic: a commitment from all hotels eliminating single use plastic
Education: programmes for young guests at GR’s Nature Discovery Centers
Kitchen gardens: growing of organic produce within the surroundings of the resort

Local Heritage

Unesco World Heritage: 15 properties are on or close to a Unesco protected site and support them actively, either in-kind or financially
Protected landmarks: man-made, natural or spiritual landmarks are supported by GR properties

Local Culture

Indigenous traditions, craftsmanship, rehabilitation of lost traditions: all hotels support local artisans through purchasing and encourage guests to do the same
Local cuisine: a celebration of local cuisine in at least one restaurant in every property, cooking classes dedicated to the local cuisine, activities for guests in the kitchen gardens and at local farms where they choose the produce to cook and then eat

Social Responsibility

Gender equality, diversity: all resorts promote gender equality, while respecting local culture, and diversity
Child protection: GR enforces a strict policy with their suppliers about child protection
Education, orphanage support, female empowerment and entrepreneurship: support to programs tackling issues for women, children, against poverty and hunger. All properties support local school programs and orphanages, support for female led businesses to create economic independence
Local farmers, local vendors: employment priority to locals, support of local agriculture in culinary art, purchase of local products; fair trade, cage-free and free-range products
Health: all properties offer healthy, sustainable, organic, seasonal food for guests and staff as well as providing the healthcare of employees and local communities

Sustainability|旅館向けオペレーションシステム トリプス








新しいシステムを導入するのは、毎日休みなく稼働している旅館にとっては非常にむずかしく、大きな決断が必要となります。また、このコロナ禍を通して新たにIT投資するのはとてもリスクのある事かもしれません。ゼネラルリソースは創業以来、約年間にあらゆる宿泊施設の運用のお手伝いなど、新規制の高いシステム構築をおこなって参りました。 「トリプス」では、そのような経験を生かし、導入計画から運用サポートまで責任を持ってお手伝い致します。またゼネラルリソースは中小機構の支援事業によるIT導入支援事業者として採択されておりますので、システム投資に必要なIT導入補助金の申請等のお手伝いにつきましても、助成金申請に関する専門のスタッフが行いますので、何なりとお申し付けください。
